This is a great quick vegan pasta recipe with eggplant, tomatoes, capers, and fresh basil. It takes a little more than 30 minutes to cook and is a great...
A twist on a recipe found on this site. Being from Louisiana where shrimp is plentiful and served often I really needed something new. Just found out how...
Traditional spaghetti makeover! This recipe can be made vegetarian by not making meatballs and just making the sauce with all the veggies and serving over...
A tasty spaghetti with olive oil instead of the traditional tomato sauce. This is great with bread topped with the olive oil sauce and Provolone cheese...
Everyone will wonder what you did differently this time around. The secret is cilantro. Cilantro is wonderful in guacamole but it takes on a whole different...
This is one of those 'much more than the sum of its parts' recipes. It's great with a salad, perfect for vegetarians and children, and makes a wonderful...
This is the classic recipe used by Italians for a simple yet flavorful pasta. It's the first dish that comes to mind on busy weeknights, fuel for late-night...
This is a favorite supper dish that's quick and easy to make. I double it for our family of 4 growing boys. We serve it all up and then add on the goodies...